Genesis Global Group
Genesis Drug Discovery & Development

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Genesis Drug Discovery & Development is a proud member of Genesis Drug Discovery & Development (GD3), a fully integrated CRO providing services to support drug discovery programs of our clients from target discovery through IND filing and managing Phase I-III clinical trials.

Learn more about GD3


GD3 is a fully integrated, full-service CRO organization focused on providing services to support preclinical and clinical drug discovery and development. We leverage decades of Pharma and CRO experience and expertise to advance your therapeutic programs to the benefit of patients and their physicians.

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Why Choose GD3?

  • Experience Icon

    Experience & Expertise

    With decades of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, and deep industry knowledge, our highly skilled scientific team provides better insights and results for an extensive and diverse project approach. We understand your science and have a strong track record of successful projects with sponsors from pharmaceutical, biotech and medical device companies, academic investigators, nonprofit research and government institutions.

  • Facilities Icon

    Facilities & Locations

    GD3 occupies 1,000,000 sq. ft. of research and development laboratories and employs over 650 people worldwide [180 PhDs, 35 MDs]. Our state-of-the-art facilities are located domestically (NJ, CT, OH, MI, IL, CA) and internationally (Canada, India, Hungary, Poland, Switzerland, Colombia). Our locations in the United States ensure your ability to utilize government funding and grants, easy shipping and logistics for your compounds and materials.

  • Capabilities Icon

    Capabilities & Services

    We offer high-value integrated drug discovery and development services with a standard of scientific excellence from early lead identification to clinical development. Our diverse portfolio of services supports all preclinical and clinical drug discovery and development areas, including discovery biology, synthetic organic and medicinal chemistry, DMPK, in vivo pharmacology, disease models, toxicology, and clinical trials.

  • Communication Icon

    Communication & Collaboration

    Our experienced project managers provide effective and transparent communications and timelines. We're always available to summarize results, discuss changes in program objectives, and participate in corporate meetings. We work closely with your team to assess your complex project challenges. We are vested in the success of your program and dedicate our robust resources to fulfill your objectives and ensure a seamless experience.

  • Customization Icon

    Customization & Flexibility

    We build customized projects and workflows for a tailored individual approach to each project. We adapt personnel to meet specific program objectives and address your programs' changing needs. Our scalability enables us to handle projects of varying sizes, from small-scale research to larger drug development programs.

  • Integrity Icon

    Integrity & Security

    We recognize that data integrity is a vital component of preclinical and clinical drug development. We provide timely and high-quality data and deliverables for informed insight and reporting. We maintain high standards for confidentiality and robust data security measures to protect your project information.

  • Quality Icon

    Quality & Compliance

    Our strong commitment to strict quality control standards and rigorous monitoring ensures high-quality data and deliverables. We are registered with and inspected by various regulatory agencies. We have Board Certified Veterinarians in AAALAC accreditation preclinical facilities, GLP experience, CLIA licensed and College of American Pathologists Accredited clinical laboratories, and experience with successful FDA audits. We guide clients through the complex regulatory landscape to ensure your studies meet regulatory requirements.

  • Cost Effective Icon

    Cost Effective

    Clear and concise price structures with various funding models are available to accommodate client needs and objectives, including full-time employee (FTE), fixed price and time and materials — a transparent cost structure with no hidden fees and reduced costs and financial risk.

  • Intellectual Property Icon

    Intellectual Property

    We understand that intellectual property is a primary driver in drug discovery research and we work closely with our clients and patent attorneys to develop effective patent strategies and intellectual property rights.

About Genesis Drug Discovery & Development

GD3 is a member of Genesis Biotechnology Group, part of the multinational Genesis Global Group.

Genesis Biotechnology Group is a consortium of vertically integrated companies, with a mission of improving patient’s care through cross linking our expertise, dedication, and vision in the fields of drug discovery, personalized and tailored clinical diagnostics.