Genesis Global Group
Genesis Drug Discovery & Development

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Genesis Drug Discovery & Development is a proud member of Genesis Drug Discovery & Development (GD3), a fully integrated CRO providing services to support drug discovery programs of our clients from target discovery through IND filing and managing Phase I-III clinical trials.

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Disease Modeling

Metabolic Disease, Obesity & Diabetes Models

Metabolic disease, obesity and diabetes are a growing global challenge. GD3 offers a comprehensive evaluation of energy balance, glucose homeostasis and lipid metabolism in a wide variety of rodent models to understand conditions such as metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis (NASH) and metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Leverage our in vivo expertise in diabetes, obesity and metabolic disease models to evaluate the potential efficacy of your therapeutics.

  • Metabolism & Obesity Models
    • High-Fat Diet Obesity Model
  • Hypertension and Thrombosis Model
    • Blood pressure and heart rate
    • N-LMA induced hypertension
  • Atherosclerosis Model
    • Ldr-/- mouse
  • High-Fat Diet Obesity Model
    • Measurements and tests:
      • Glucose tolerance test with or without glucose-stimulated insulin secretion
      • Insulin tolerance test
      • Lipid tolerance test with or without hepatic triglyceride export
      • Hepatic lipid content
      • Pancreatic insulin content
      • Tissue glycogen levels (liver and muscle)
    • Clinical chemistry serum readouts:
      • Adiponectin
      • Free fatty acids
      • HDL, LDL and VLDL cholesterol by Lipoprint
      • Insulin
      • Leptin
      • Phospholipids B
      • Triglycerides
      • Galectin 3
      • Cholesterol
  • Osteoporosis Model
    • OVX model of estrogen loss-induced osteoporosis
    • Food intake
  • Microbiome Capabilities
    • Fecal microbiota transfer
    • Fecal collection and cecum content collection
    • Pre and probiotic treatments
  • MASH:
    • Models
      • High-fat choline-deficient diet in C57BL/6
      • STAM Model
      • High saturated fat and fructose diet
      • Fast food diet
      • Thioacetamide (TAA) and carbon tetrachloride (CCL4) hepatic failure models
    • Analysis and biomarkers:
      • Hepatic lipid content
      • Serum clinical chemistries for liver enzymes
      • Histopathological analysis with H&E, Masson's Trichrome, Oil Red O
      • NAS Score by pathologist
      • Computer-scanned histology quantification
      • Hydroxyproline levels in liver
  • Lipid Homeostasis Model
    • Oral lipid tolerance test
    • Serum TGs, FAs, cholesterol VLDL, LDL, and HDL
  • Diabetes/Glucohomeostasis Model
    • Diet-induced obese-early Type II
    • Db/db-later Type II
    • Non-obese diabetic-Type I
    • STZ-induced diabetics
    • GK rat-Type II
  • Glucose Homeostasis Model
    • Glucose and insulin levels in OGTT test
    • HbA1c levels
    • Insulin tolerance test
    • Tissue glycogen levels
    • Pancreatic insulin content
    • Hormone/adipokine measurements: glucagon, GLP-1, adiponectin, leptin, insulin
  • Diabetes-related complications Model
    • Hind-limb ischemia measured by Doppler Imaging
    • Cutaneous wound healing
  • Additional metabolic disease services include:
    • In vivo energy homeostasis and body composition assessment
    • Glucose homeostasis
    • Lipid metabolism
    • Cardiovascular function
    • Arteriogenesis
  • Metabolic Rate Assessment Models
    • Comprehensive cage monitoring
    • VO2, CO2 and RER
    • Activity: horizontal and vertical
  • Exercise Capacity Assessment Models
    • VO2, CO2 and RER
  • Renal and Bladder Function Assessment Model
    • Urinalysis (including urine collection and biochemical analysis)